
Founded in 2000, Domestic Workers United [DWU] is an organization of Caribbean, Latina and African nannies, housekeepers, and elderly caregivers in New York, organizing for power, respect, fair labor standards and to help build a movement to end exploitation and oppression for all. DWU is a proud founding member of the National Domestic Workers Alliance. DWU and its partners brought their power to bear in 2010 when the nation's first Domestic Workers Bill of Rights was passed in New York.

October 4, 2010

Paid Sick Time Act

Everyday, over 200,000 domestic workers in the greater New York City metropolitan area take care of the most important elements of their employers' lives -- their children, elders, and homes. Their health is vital to the health of New York's families and economy. Yet, despite their recent inclusion in New York State labor laws, they are still left without basic benefits such as paid sick days. Domestic workers are expected to go work when they or their loved ones are sick. "We risk losing our jobs or a day's pay for taking time to take care of our health," says Deloris Wright, a nanny in Manhattan.

Domestic workers have joined together with millions of other New Yorkers to urge the City Council to pass the Paid Sick Time Act. The historic legislation would give all private sector employees in New York City the right to earn paid sick time. It would require all employees earn a modest amount of paid sick time: 5 days per year at workplaces with fewer than 20 employees, and 9 days at workplaces with 20 or more employees.

We are close to winning the right to paid sick days for all New Yorkers. Speaker Christine Quinn is expected to make a decision on whether or not to bring the bill to the floor within days. We must push hard in these final hours, and we must emphasize inclusion of all New Yorkers in the legislation. As domestic workers, we know all too well the damage that exclusions can create. The bill already has a veto-proof majority - 35 out of 51 council members co-sponsors. Let's make our voices heard at City Hall and URGE SPEAKER CHRISTINE QUINN TO BRING PAID SICK TIME ACT TO THE FLOOR FOR A VOTE.

Call and email Speaker Quinn TODAY!!

Here is a sample script:
"I am a New York City resident calling to urge you to bring the Paid Sick Time Act to the floor for a vote. New Yorkers can no longer wait. This is the single most important thing you can do to help New York’s working families, including domestic workers, achieve a better, more stable quality of life. This initiative is critically important to improving public health. And, we firmly believe that it will do so without becoming an undue burden on New York’s small business community. Pass the bill and do not exempt small employers. Millions of New Yorkers are counting on you."


District Office Phone
(212) 564-7757

Legislative Office Phone
(212) 788-7210

In solidarity,
Domestic Workers United

1 comment:

Erina said...

What a rollercoaster in NYC on paid sick days these days! It's on the verge of becoming law, and not a moment too soon: nearly one and a half million New York City residents are not allowed by their employers to earn paid sick days. This is a serious issue for New York's families – one that has overwhelming public support. Without paid sick time, women--especially low-income women with children and single mothers--face impossible choices between tending to their own health or the health of their children and their family’s economic security. And sadly in New York City the people least likely to earn paid sick days are the ones most likely to have jobs that require frequent contact with the public, like food service, child care, nursing home and retail employees. We all get sick - we shouldn't have to worry if we'll still have a job when we get better. Useful info from experts and NYC advocates here: http://www.momsrising.org/blog/speaker-quinn-nyc-needs-paid-sick-days/